My experience with Renaissance literature is limited to what I learned in my British & World Literature classes. From what I can remember, we read several works from Sir Philip Sidney, William Shakespeare (of course), and William Tyndale. I have to admit that I follow the typical English major cliche: I love Shakespeare, especially his sonnets. My favorite play has to be "As You Like It," though that could change because I'm reading several more plays in another class. One of my favorite sonnets is, "My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun," just because Shakespeare drops one of the best compliments that could ever be said.
I prefer to have a hard copy of a book rather than an E-Book, but I do like that E-Books are easy to access and more convenient. I realized this in class on Monday when Dr. Burton was talking about how quickly things travel via internet. Most of the E-Books I've been exposed to have been through my mom, but I'm starting to consider reading more E-Books on my own. I'm excited to begin this process in publishing our own E-Book. I wasn't expecting our curriculum to be geared toward media but I definitely think its relevant and I look forward to the rest of this semester!