Monday, August 31, 2015


My name is Doridé Uvaldo-Nelson (Door-ih-day). My name has always been one of those things that made me different from all of the kids in school, but over time I learned to embrace it. I grew up in Mesa, Arizona—and yes, it is blazing hot there.

My interest in the Renaissance stems from a love of Shakespeare's plays. I did both my minor and major's capstones on some of Shakespeare's work and felt confident in the subject matter compared to other classes. I have, however, read some Dunne, Ben Johnson, and a little bit of Spenser, but my memory is incredibly weak on the material since it was reviewed quickly for an intro to Brit Lit class over a year ago. The one thing I do remember enjoying was the "aha" moment that comes when the old English suddenly clicks beyond just comprehension and a larger idea emerges, and the Renaissance is the perfect genre for that.

As for e-books, my experience comes mainly from my Kindle. When the Kindle first came out, I was apprehensive because I couldn't imagine reading a book without literally turning the page or without the book-smell. I eventually gave in when I saw the prices I could get on books I had been dying to read. I've enjoyed e-books much more than I ever expected to, but I find that my attention differs if I'm reading an e-book vs a print book.

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