Monday, March 25, 2013

Avatars by Amber

Well I just spent several hours of the night making avatars for the Ad Fontes and Humanism groups just to have them not upload properly or save. So. I will just explain what I had set up. I used the xtranormal site to make them, but found that a lot of the stuff to make videos with you had to pay for (like different characters or backgrounds) so hopefully you guys have more luck finding a material site for our avatars. I didn't find any other digital sources that seemed good enough for what we're trying to pull. Anyway. My characters:

Alfonso is an old man, Italian scholar (with an office/library looking background) who firmly believes in the idea of ad fontes: referring back to ancient sources to bring about inspiration for new work. He loves history, especially reading sermons and translations of texts because everyone can learn so much from them.

Walter is an English apprentice philosopher trying to discover who he is. He attends school (classroom was in the background) with the best teachers the world has to offer. He is one of a kind though, challenging his professors with deep and imaginative questions about the established order and doctrines. He is creative and fresh with a thirst for something more, for independence.

Both of these characters would have talked about the theme (including the one liner sentences we have for each of our themes) and given their strong opinion about how important ad fontes or the question of "What piece of work is man."

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